2009年4月24日 星期五

Color Forecasting for Vivienne Westwood 2010 A/W Collection





From these three blog of my groupmates, we can see that Vivienne Westwood's recent year design are more simple than early years. Also, the colour used in each outfit are usually less than three colours, very different from her early design.

For Example:

[Untitled-9.jpg]-------> [(VW)Fall+2009+Ready-to-Wear.JPG]

The Hypnos Collection(1984) -----> Vivienne Westwood Fall Ready to wear(2009)

Moreover, the colour used in recent year are more dull and less sharp, like grey, black, shade blue...I think that is because the change of her design concept.

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From these three blogs of my groupmates, we can know the history, background, even the social, political vision of Vivienne Westwood. So we can see that because of the "punk" style she emphasized in the early year, the color she used in the pass collections were more boldness, like shocking pink, shocking blue, tine yellow....Also, the color theory she applied in these collections are more terrific and skillful, for example applying more than 2 theories in the same outfit, like using"complementary colors" with the "analogous" principle.

[Untitled-5.jpg] [Untitled-7.jpg]

The Savage Collection(1982), The Punkature Collection(1983)

However, with the change of the socialpolitical background, Vivienne's design concept seems also changed. From "punk" and anti-gov to nowaday's concern in environmental or life style. Therefore, the collections she designed in recent year are more wearable in daily life, for example using dull colors, or just applying 1 color theory in each outfit. That makes more people accept Vivienne's cloths. I think although it is less "Vivienne style", it does match her concept of "change the world by fashion". Also, using colors from environment like dull green, brown, skyblue reflect her concern in enviromental, which is a hot topic in nowadays society. It matches her concept of "fashion reflect attitude".

Thus, to forecast Vivienne Westwood's future outfit and color used, we can relate to the social izzues nowaday. With the financial attack and enviromental problems, I believe the coming collections of Vivienne will still be simple and in dull colors or earth colors.

For Eample:

[w5.jpg] ------> [AutumnWinter_2008-2009_Ready_to_Wear.JPG]

Anarchism style in the past -------> Collection that conceringing about the environment issue nowaday


From this groupmate's blog, we can see Vivienne's design concept in "fashion reflect attitude", and she also put this through the advertisings. These advertising reflect the life style Vivienne promoted, and from these we can study her change in design and color used.

To concluded....this is my Color Forecasting for Vivienne Westwood 2010 A/W Collection....
Which used lots of earth colors and dull/shade colors......

